- Sunday, 9 March 2025
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Advent Week 2: Responding To God’s Call

Read Matthew 1:19-21
We’re given just a little glimpse of Mary and Joseph before Jesus was born. They lived in the hill country of Galilee. Joseph was a religious man. Mary gives every evidence of having a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, even though she was a teenager. The Bible teaches that God was so pleased with her that He chose her to be the mother of Jesus. Mary and Joseph weren’t married, and yet Mary became pregnant.
I’ve often put myself in Joseph’s place—imagined his thoughts, his aspirations about the girl to whom he was engaged. But Joseph decided to break the engagement privately.
While he was thinking about these things, God’s angel appeared to him in a dream to give Joseph an explanation of the situation. All Joseph’s suspicions were put away. He accepted what God had said through the angel, and he was immediately married to Mary.
Both Joseph and Mary followed the call and plan of God, and through their obedience the way was prepared for Christ to come and bless us.
Are you seeking to follow God’s call on your life? Are you actively responding to Him?
How will you respond to God?