Christopher Wayne Longoria

October 13, 1953 - November 3, 2024

Obituaries 2024-11-07 (0) (601)

Celebrating the life of Christopher Wayne Longoria, 66, who passed away on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

He was born in Cerritos, California on October 13, 1953, had a big heart and a lot of love for others. He loved others just like Christ, just as they are. His main passions were his family, baseball and serving others.

Chris served others throughout the years as a behavior specialist for special needs children, driving a transfer truck and supporting his wife and her many roles in the church.

What a glorious celebration there was in Heaven when Chris was reunited with his earthly father, Alfred Lincoln Longoria; mother, Irene Florence Osterhoudt; and daughter, Melissa Ann Hoyle when he went to be with our Heavenly Father.

Those by his side when he passed was his loving wife of 31 years, Linda Longoria; son Matthew Longoria; sister-in-law CeCelia Guillot; and grandchildren, Ivan and Donny McCormick.

Chris had a large family just like his heart. It included his wife, Linda Longoria; nine children; 29 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren; and many dogs throughout the years.

His children are Matthew Longoria (Ashley Peters) daughter Rileigh, Derrick Longoria (Monica) daughters Mya and Makhayla, Aaron Longoria (Ashley) sons Ryan and Braden, Deanna Simmons (Mike) children, Brittany, Clifton, Tori, Bruce Meyer (Candy) Children Thayer, Haley, Logan, Malinda Wheeler (Ray) Children Aaron, Michael, Autumn, Shea, Abigail, Damien, Albert Garrett, Melissa Hoyle (deceased) Sons, Donny, Ivan, Krystofer, Charles Hoyle.

In lieu of flowers please consider sending a donation to Carolina Caring of Catawba County in honor of Chris. (828.466.0466)

The family of Christopher Wayne Longoria deeply appreciates your many prayers and kindness as we celebrate and honor the life of a devoted husband, father, papa and friend. A special thanks to Carolina Caring for their love and care that they extended to Chris and our family over the years.

Please sign the online guestbook on the Memorial Wall at

Jenkins Funeral Home and Cremation Service of Newton, N.C. is serving the Longoria family.

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