- Wednesday, 22 January 2025
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LC Planning Board Zoning Cases For Nov. 4
LINCOLNTON, N.C. - The Planning Board took the following action on legislative zoning cases after the conclusion of the public hearing held on November 4, 2024:
ZMA #741 Jerry Towery, applicant (Parcel ID# 13668) A request to rezone a 1.26-acre portion of a parcel from R-SF (Residential Single Family) to R-R (Rural Residential). The property is located at 4766 Lama Lane about 3000 feet south of Shoal Road in Howards Creek Township.
The Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the request based on staff’s proposed statement of consistency and reasonableness.
ZMA #740 QuikTrip Corporation, applicant (Parcel ID# 02472) A request to rezone a 1.42-acre portion of a parcel from B-N (Neighborhood Business) to B-G (General Business). The property is located on the north side of Unity Church Road and the east side of N.C. 16 Business in Catawba Springs Township.
ZMA #742 JBDK Family Limited Partnership, applicant (Parcel ID# 71407) A request to rezone 16.29 acres from B-G (General Business) to I-L (Industrial Light). The property is located at 2585 N. N.C. 16 Business Hwy. in Catawba Springs Township.