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Lincoln County BOC Zoning Case Decision & Upcoming Hearing
September/October 2024

LINCOLNTON, N.C. - The Board of Commissioners took the following action regarding the Planning Board’s recommendations on September 2024 zoning cases.
ZMA #739 The Kindred Company, LLC, applicant (Parcel ID# 30023, 32384, and 32408) A request to rezone 6.76 acres from B-N (Neighborhood Business) to B-G (General Business). The property is located at 2301 N. N.C. 16 Business Hwy. on the west side of N.C. 16 Business about 300 feet south of Hager’s Hollow Drive in Catawba Springs Township.
The Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request on August 9th, 2024.
The Board of County Commissioners voted 4-0 to approve the request on August 16th, 2024.
Zoning Cases - October 2024: The below case is scheduled for a public hearing for the Board of Commissioners on October 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. This is the only case on the agenda for October 7th. Since it is quasi-judicial, there will not be a joint meeting of the two boards. Members of the Planning Board will still meet on October 7th at 6:30pm to discuss and work through two items with staff: 1) Amendments to Blueprint 2043 (Land Use Plan); and 2) Input into a proposal for the regulatory framework of usable open space in planned developments.
SUP #516 Stephen Sharpe, applicant (Parcel ID# 107096) A request for a Special Use Permit for a private storage building on a lot that is less than 2 acres in size without a principal residential structure in the R-T (Transitional Residential) district. The 1.08-acre parcel is located on the east side of Beth Haven Church Road approximately 3/4 of a mile south of Vesuvius Furnace Road in Catawba Springs Township.
For additional information including the staff report and site plan for this request, please see the full packet at https://www.lincolncountync.gov/371/Pending-Applications