Meet Your Candidates Election 2024: Insights from

Ralph Scott, For Democratic Congressional Candidate,  10th District NC


This election year, is offering candidates a unique chance to speak directly to you. We believe it's important for voters to hear firsthand from each candidate about their vision, experience and why they are the best choice for the role.

In this article below, you'll find answers to five key questions that reveals this candidate’s platform and priorities. We encourage you to read their responses to gain a deeper understanding of their plans and perspectives, helping you make an informed choice when you head to the polls.

  1. What key issues are you prioritizing, and what steps are you taking to address them?
  2. How does your background, values, education, and experience prepare you to represent the community effectively?
  3. What makes you the best candidate for this position and how do you differentiate yourself from your opponents?
  4. What long-term goals do you hope to achieve if elected to office?
  5. What sets you apart from other candidates, and why should voters choose you to represent them?

The following is the candidate's response, written in his own words:

1) Protecting democracy 

This will require a lot of voter help. But if the voters vote blue up and down the ballot, this will be easy. But if not it will be hard. Some examples pass a code of ethics for the Supreme Court just like all other elected officials have to follow. Restore Roe. Women are dying because of this. But also protect capitalism without destroying the middle class. 

2) Background 

I, just like millions of other Americans, grew up in this great country where the efforts of those before us are respected.That helps me value people and their dreams. I also grow up in a blue-collar family. Which gives me the work ethic that I carry to this day. I also grow up in a long line of veterans, WW2, and many more. I also am a vet. I have a post-high school education but no degree. Through the jobs I have held over the years, I've learned to problem-solve. And that I'm sure will help me in Congress.

3) Why me?

My problem-solving skills, combined with my work ethic, make me the candidate of choice. Also, my blue-collar perspective will help guide me to a solution that helps everyone. My opponent, from what I tell, can't see but one side of the issue. To explain myself will be simple. He is MAGA, MAGA endorsed, and from what I've seen so far he follows  Trump which means Project 2025.Project 2025 is the blueprint for Trump's presidency. Which, without going into details, will destroy democracy.

4) Goals

After fixing the mess Trump and the MAGA Supreme Court have made. Take the next steps to fix those areas that make our democracy weak with bills that make it more robust. Pursue bills that will make our families strong. Apart from that, it would be to protect and advance the economic opportunities that exist. While also finding a way to improve the economic conditions that help everyone.

5) Vote for me

Because my blue-collar background guides me in making the choices of policy. That balance of give and take is usually the best approach. That is the approach I will take with my position. I will give an example.  “A Trump talking point Drill, Baby, Drill.”     That idea is doubling down on a spin term, Because basic economics is the higher the demand the more you can charge for the product. That's capitalism101. Now, the factual info is backed by economics. If you diversify your sources of energy Ie. Wind, solar in any way that will bring the cost of oil down. Demand down price down. Another example is increased gas mileage standards and the use of electric cars and hybrids. That reduces oil demand and keeps prices capped by demand.    The next big challenge is transportation .That industry consumes a lot of oil. Look at aircraft. If a hybrid powertrain was feasible, that would reduce oil consumption by a lot and have a major effect on the price of oil.   So, this Drill, Baby, Drill is a pure spin!  

Ralph Scott, for Democratic Congressional Candidate,10th District NC


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