Notification Of Discharge Of Untreated Wastewater – Clark Creek

On July 25, the City of Newton experienced two discharges of untreated wastewater

NEWTON, N.C. - General Statute 143-215.1C requires the owner or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment works to issue a news release when an untreated wastewater discharge of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters. In accordance with that regulation, the following news release has been prepared and issued to media in Catawba County and Lincoln County:

On July 25, the City of Newton experienced two discharges of untreated wastewater at 1369 McKay Road, adjacent to the Clark Creek Wastewater Plant. An estimated 3,375 gallons were discharged from about 6–8:15 a.m., and an estimated 107,490 gallons were discharged from about 12–10 p.m. The discharges occurred due to heavy rain that overloaded the wastewater collection system. The discharges entered Clark Creek in the Catawba River Basin.

No negative effects on water quality or the surrounding environment were observed. City staff are continuing to monitor the area closely. The City maintains its longstanding commitment to environmental stewardship and to delivering the highest-quality water to residents, businesses, and industries.

The Division of Water Resources was notified of the discharges. For more information, please contact Dusty Wentz, City of Newton Director of Public Utilities, at (828) 695-4286.

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