Meet Your Candidates Election 2024: Insights From

Alex Patton, for Lincoln County Board Of Commissioners

This election year, is offering candidates a unique chance to speak directly to you. We believe it's important for voters to hear firsthand from each candidate about their vision, experience and why they are the best choice for the role.

In this article below, you'll find answers to five key questions that reveals this candidate’s platform and priorities. We encourage you to read their responses to gain a deeper understanding of their plans and perspectives, helping you make an informed choice when you head to the polls.

  1. What key issues are you prioritizing, and what steps are you taking to address them?
  2. How does your background, values, education, and experience prepare you to represent the community effectively?
  3. What makes you the best candidate for this position and how do you differentiate yourself from your opponents?
  4. What long-term goals do you hope to achieve if elected to office?
  5. What sets you apart from other candidates, and why should voters choose you to represent them?

The following is the candidate's response, written in his own words:

My name is Alex Patton. First and foremost, thank you for your support in the primary election and for all of your support over the years during my three previous terms as County Commissioner. 

After I graduated from Lincolnton High School , I joined the Army to see the world and get out of Lincoln County. It did not take me very long to realize what a great place I had left. After 4 years of active duty, I returned to Lincoln County and have lived here ever since. I continued to serve my country for another 11 years, but did so in the North Carolina National Guard. I still enjoy traveling and seeing the world, but there is just no place like being here in Lincoln County.  My wife is a lifelong Lincoln County resident. Our parents live in Lincoln County and both of our sons and their families live here in Lincoln County. What happens here is important to me as I want our grandkids to grow up and love this county just as much as I do.

 The decisions made by the Board of Commissioners have long lasting effects and are key in determining what Lincoln County becomes for future generations who will live here. I believe we are small town America at its finest and will work hard to keep us from becoming just another part of Charlotte. We are unique in many ways, but once that is gone, it is gone forever. 

I will represent you and our Lincoln County values with integrity and transparency for the next four years.  Thank you for your support.

1. What key issues are you prioritizing, and what steps are you taking to address them?

My priorities are controlling growth in a way that maintains our small town atmosphere and does not continue to overburden our roads and infrastructure, responsible spending and greater transparency in what we do spend taxpayers dollars on, working to maintain quality employees and make them feel valued and their voices heard, and to bring a level of professionalism and transparency back to our Board of Commissioners.

2. How does your background, values, education, and experience prepare you to represent the community effectively?

I have 15 years of military experience, over 30 years of retail management experience managing as many as 150 associates on a daily basis, and 7 years as a county employee as the Director of Veterans Services.

I have 12 years of experience as a County Commissioner and 6 years as the Chair of the Board. I served for 15 years on the County DSS Board and chaired the Board for many of those years.  I served 3 years as Chair of the Hesed House Board. I have the leadership skills needed for this position.

I was raised in this community, attended school in this community and other than my time in the military have always called Lincoln County home.  My commitment to my faith, my family and my community will allow me to represent you effectively.

3. What makes you the best candidate for this position, and how do you differentiate yourself from your opponents?

I believe that Trent Carpenter, Mark Mullen, and myself each bring different strengths and skill sets that will allow us to work together and draw from each other’s vast experience and background. I am convinced we will be able to work together for the good of Lincoln County in a way that will not embarrass you the citizens of our county.

4. What long-term goals do you hope to achieve if elected to office?

I want to make sure we put policies in place that will keep our employees from wanting to go to a neighboring county to work. Our employees are the lifeblood of all that we do in county government and should be treated accordingly. I want to continue to put policies in place that will allow us to continue to recruit quality industries and businesses that want to call Lincoln County home.  I want to work toward policies that will keep the county in good financial shape while maintaining an acceptable tax rate.

5. Why should voters choose you to represent them?

My past performance during my 12 years as a County Commissioner speaks for itself. I chaired the board from 2008-2014 during the worst economic crisis since the depression. We maintained services without raising taxes. We managed spending in a responsible way during my tenure as Chair of the Board. There is no learning curve as when I left office I became a county employee for 7 years. I am the only one who has been on both sides of county government as an employee and an elected official. I will bring the same level of commitment to this position that I brought to Veterans Services. I put customer service first. I will always listen and value your opinion and will always treat you with respect. I will represent all residents of Lincoln County regardless of political affiliation or where in the county that you reside. My children live in Lincoln County and as our grandchildren grow up, I hope they will want to call Lincoln County home as well. The decisions made in the coming years will have long term effects and determine what kind of county our grandkids will see.  Thank you for your support in the primary and I look forward to serving you.

Alex Patton, for Lincoln County Board Of Commissioners 

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