- Sunday, 9 March 2025
- Have a HOT TIP? Call 704-276-6587 or E-mail us At LH@LincolnHerald.com
Where Is The Bear

She was on vacation...
Vacationing with friends...
They were having fun...
These were very good friends...
Treasured friends actually...
The friends had a suggestion...
It was a great idea...
Let’s go to the Turtle Hospital...
One friend wanted...
Wanted a new turtle T-shirt...
So off they went...
Two weeks before this trip...
She had on one of her favorites...
Favorite bracelets...
She had asked her granddaughter...
“Did you make this for me”
Granddaughter said, “no but I like it”
“I like the little blue bear on it”...
Well, when they walking into...
Into the Turtle Hospital...
There the bracelets were...
Many bracelets on a display...
Bracelets with bears, turtles, sharks, etc...
Each attached to a pretty card...
She said, “I have a bracelet like that
I don't know where I got it”
The friend said, “We gave it to you”...
Friend, “Where is the bear”
She answered, “On my dresser”
Friend, “No. Where is the bear?
You can follow the bear”
Oh dear now she is so embarrassed...
She had completely forgotten...
Forgotten they gave her the bracelet...
Now she did not know...
Know where the bear was located...
But it was going to get worse...
The Friend, “What is the bear's name?”
Oh my. The bear has a name...
A name she does not know...
The Friend, “If you know the bear's name
You can go on the web site and
they will tell you where the bear is.
If it dies they will send you a new bear.
A new bear to follow”...
Well all that information is on the card...
The pretty little card the bracelets are...
Are attached to...
The little card she did not read...
Well she is dyslexic...
Sadly she does not read well...
She rarely reads anything...
Cause when she does she usually...
Usually reads it wrong...
This is one time...
One time she really wishes...
Wishes she had read the card...
She is so sorry she never followed her bear...
Never knew where her bear was...
Never knew her bear had a name...
Did not even know it was alive...
Most of all she is sorry...
Sorry she may have hurt...
Hurt her friends feeling's...
They paid $25 for her gift...
And she did not read the card...
She is so sorry...
And she forgot they gave it to her..
She is really truly sorry about that...
---More About Judge Rembert: WWII made Judge an only child when her half-brother was killed in the war. She lived in a tiny town in South Carolina until she was eight and her Mother went to work. She was sent to a boarding school in Belmont, N.C. From that time on she has lived back and forth in the two Carolinas. They are both home. She was born dyslexic and did not know what the problem was or that it had a name until she was about 45. She was unable to spell so she never put words on paper until she was 65 and had a computer with spell check. She comes from a long line of story tellers and a Mother that taught her much by telling stories. Stories about people and how they faced life and how they dealt with problems. If you read what she writes you may hear her Mother and her Grandmother talking to her. She is thrilled to know that anyone reads her words and finds them interesting. Oh, she is 82 now and makes her home in Aiken, S.C.