Leading Up To The Edenton Tea Party Features

Leading Up To The Edenton Tea Party

Tea was important to colonists for a couple of reasons. Drinking tea was safer than drinking water, although they did not know at that time that it de...

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Notes Of Debates From The Continental Congress Features

Notes Of Debates From The Continental Congress

Within the National Archives, the diary of our future President John Adams is held. Reading his notes from 28 July 1774 provide great insight into the...

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Georgia – The Outlier Features

Georgia – The Outlier

The colonies elected delegates to the First Continental Congress in various ways. Some delegates were elected through their respective colonial legisl...

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Who Were William Hooper, Joseph Hewes & Richard Caswell? Features

Who Were William Hooper, Joseph Hewes & Richard Caswell?

The First Provincial Congress elected three delegates to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. These three delegates were witness and party ...

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The Beginnings Of Self Government Features

The Beginnings Of Self Government

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday in 2026, we learn more about the beginnings of ...

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Patriot Turned Pirate Features

Patriot Turned Pirate

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday in 2026, we learn more about Samuel Ross Mason....

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250th Anniversary Of The First Provincial Congress & The Committees Of Safety Features

250th Anniversary Of The First Provincial Congress & The Committees Of...

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday, we learn about North Carolina taking its first...

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Proclamation Of Rebellion Features

Proclamation Of Rebellion

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday in 2026, we learn more about King George III an...

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The Cherokee And Catawba Nations And The Revolutionary War Features

The Cherokee And Catawba Nations And The Revolutionary War

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday in 2026, we learn more about North Carolina&rsq...

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Cherokee Expedition Features

Cherokee Expedition

Between August and September 1776, thousands of Continental soldiers and militia from Virginia, Georgia and both North and South Carolina descended up...

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Benjamin Franklin & The United States Post Office Features

Benjamin Franklin & The United States Post Office

In this, another in the series of articles from the SAR and DAR leading up to America's 250th birthday in 2026 we learn about our first postmaster Ben...

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The Failed Penobscot Expedition Features

The Failed Penobscot Expedition

When most people think of Paul Revere, the images that come to mind typically revolve around either his famous Midnight Ride or perhaps his day job as...

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Declaration Of The Causes And Necessity Of Taking Up Arms Features

Declaration Of The Causes And Necessity Of Taking Up Arms

On July 6, 1775, the Second Continental Congress issued a pamphlet entitled "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms", which was wri...

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