- Sunday, 9 March 2025
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Christian Ministry’s Golf Event A Big Success
Plus: thank you to Lincoln Avenue, Mt. Zion Baptist churches

LINCOLNTON––Christian Ministry’s fundraising golf tournament was a big success.
That’s the word this week from its executive director, Mitzi Williams. Held Aug. 10 at the Lincoln Country Club, this was the 29th such annual event, as Williams informed, expressing the ministry’s gratitude to all who turned out and contributed.
“Thank you to all the teams that came out to play!” she said. “Thank you to those businesses, churches and individuals that sponsored golf holes. Thank you to those businesses that donated prizes for the winners, and a big thank you to Jody (Saunders, the club’s manager) and the Lincoln Country Club for all their help and work in making the tournament run smoothly.”
Williams also congratulated the tournament’s winning team: Chad Beard, Kevin Story and Brian and Trent Little.
In other news, volunteers from Lincoln Avenue and Mt. Zion Baptist churches recently volunteered at the ministry.
Williams thanked them for “helping on the dock and also helping us get ready for the golf tournament. Thank you for coming and all your help!”
With the help of its member churches, local businesses, social groups and individual supporters, Christian Ministry seeks to meet the needs of those who are less fortunate through its emergency services, soup kitchen, annual Christmas campaign, nursing home program and, for local elderly and shut-in residents, the delivery of LINC Home Meals.
To learn more about Christian Ministry, be sure to see the group’s Website at www.christianministryoflincolncounty.org. And e-mail Williams at christianministry2017@gmail.com if your donation is in honor or memory of someone, along with the name/address of who to notify.
You may also mail your donations to: Christian Ministry of Lincoln County, P.O. Box 423, Lincolnton, N.C. 28093.
Located at 207 S. Poplar St. in Lincolnton, Christian Ministry is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Call (704) 732-0383 to learn more.