James "Bud" William Sherrill Jr.

September 26, 1940 - August 21, 2024

Obituaries 2024-08-26 (0) (857)

CHERRYVILLE, N.C. - James William Sherrill Jr., 83, passed on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

In addition to his parents and sister, he was preceded in death by his wife, Dianne W. Sherrill, and his daughter, Michelle D. Day.

Survived by his son, John W. Sherrill (Sherry) and daughter, Jeanna S. Spiker (Patrick). He has five grandchildren: Katie, Cody, Danielle (Cody), Brianna (David), and Sean; and one great-grandchild, Logan. He has one brother: Sammy Sherrill (Trish).

Memorial Service will be held September 8, 2024 at 3 p.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 112 Mt. Zion Church Rd., Cherryville, NC 28021.

Visitation following service in Church fellowship hall.

Memorials can be made to the Mt. Zion Baptist West Virginia Backpack Ministry.

Cremation Society of Charlotte, N.C. is serving the Sherrill family.

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