Tammy Wilson lives near Newton, N.C.

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Rev. War Battle Fought Near Here

The Battle of Ramsour’s Mill took place on the north side of Lincolnton

This past weekend, I was part of a commemoration of a Revolutionary War battle. It’s not the first time, I’ve donned my “18th century” garments, braved the heat and humidity to pay tribute to area patriots who answered the call 244 years ago.

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Bygone Stuff Makes Me Feel Old

There was a time when thrifty shoppers clamored for Sunday inserts just to clip the coupons. Nowadays, stores offer on-line discounts with an app, if you don’t mind being tracked by marketers.

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What’s Up With Ramen (Besides The Price)?

When times get tougher, demand for cheap, filling food goes up.

When times get tougher, demand for cheap, filling food goes up. Ramen tends to sell out because people know they’re easy to cook and stretch the budget. And nothing fills that bill (or the bowl) better than ramen.

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Do I Look Like The Answer Woman?

I can’t say how many times strangers have asked me for directions

I can’t say how many times strangers have asked me for directions—even in the age of Siri and cell phones. People still flag me down in airports, ticket lines, and check-out lanes.

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Ashure Ministry A Godsend For County Residents In Crisis

Formerly Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry

In case you haven’t heard, ECCCM (Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry) is now Ashure Ministry. The name change occurred a few weeks ago to better reflect the expanded scope of the agency.

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Panama Visit Harkens To Gold Rush Trek

The year was 1850 when my great-great grandfather, his brother and some 40 others from Will County, Ill. left home for the adventure of a lifetime.

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What Exactly Is A Billion Or A Trillion?

If you’re like me, you may have trouble getting your head around the concept of a billion anything. Yet, we hear the word almost daily with regard to government spending.

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Entering Lent With St. Jude’s Arm

It’s not every day you get a chance to view bones of an Apostle. Such was the case Feb. 15, when a fellow church member and I had a rare chance to see the bones of St. Jude Thaddeus—one of Jesus’ Apostles.

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Piano Reprise A Trip Down Memory Lane

Other than shots, few things gave me more dread than music lessons.

Other than shots, few things gave me more dread than music lessons. I dreaded the practice. I could always find something more fun to do, but my mother put the hammer down whenever I made noise about quitting.

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Room in the Inn

By the time you read this, I will be getting ready to deliver dinner to the cold-weather emergency shelter in Newton.

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